Shenzhen Xingjingfeng Technology Co., Ltd.

notice:Before using this web site, please read the following terms and conditions carefully.Using of this web site indicate that

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Website information:

This web site information is not attached to any form of guarantee,Including merchantability, suitable for a particular purpose, is no guarantee of a computer virus or not infringe intellectual property rights."XJF"do not guarantee the absolute accuracy and absolute integrity information in this website,XJF website content, such as products, prices and configuration will be changed at any time,the contents of the site may have expired,XJF does not promise to update them simultaneously.If the product information released by the site is different from the contents of the products sold in the market, please refer to the contents of the product specification.

Limitation of liability for website use:

All information, documents, products and services, trademarks, logos, graphics and pictures (material) of the site is owned by XJF or other rights holder.Any form of unauthorized use of this web site information behavior would violate copyright, trademark and other laws and regulations.

XJF agree that you can display this web site only on personal computers for personal purposes.Without the written permission of XJF, you can not use this site for commercial purposes or any other purposes.You must agree that any content not to anyone, including but not limited to companies and organizations to copy, distribute, publish and broadcast contained in this website.You can not post the contents of this website in the news group, mail group, or bulletin board.You have no right to modify, edit, change or add any material in any way.Without prior notice to you, the present restrictions take effect automatically.According to the terms of the restriction, you must agree to immediately destroy any material that is printed or downloaded.

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This site can be linked to the third party sites that are not controlled and maintained by XJF.You agree with XJF provides these links are only for your convenience,If you use these links, you will leave the XJF site.XJF did not review all of these third party sites, and the content of these sites are not controlled, nor any responsibility.Therefore, any information, software and other products or materials on these sites, or by using any of the results of the use of them, could not approved by XJF,and XJF nor do any express or implied promise or guarantee.If you decide to visit this site links to any third party sites, you should be responsible for the result and all risks.

Some areas on this site with password protection (restricted areas).If you are an authorized user of these restricted areas, you have the responsibility to guarantee the confidentiality of your password and account.If your password is lost or stolen, you can immediately notify XJF.You agree with  you have fully responsible for any ACTS for your account,  including the account any fees under password protection,regardless of the cost of produce is your personal behavior.You agree that if any unauthorized use of your account occurs, you will immediately notify XJF.

You recognize that this site may contain some inaccurate content or typographical errors that affect the quality of the site.Your approval of material or any third party content has not been XJF independently verified or the whole or part of the authorization.

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General principles:

Any person who believes that the site may be suspected of violating the legitimate rights and interests, should be timely feedback to the site, and provide proof of identity, proof of ownership and the details of the proof of infringement.After receiving the above legal documents, we will  remove the contents of the alleged infringement as soon as possible.

XJF may at any time by updating the contents of the announcement to amend the terms of this statement.You should always visit the site to understand the latest terms, because you are bound by these terms.Some of these Provisions may be replaced by the legal documents or terms specified in some of the pages of this site.

You agree that XJF and XJF's authority can improve and / or change the service and price of this website without the prior announcement,and further agree XJF can amend these terms and conditions under the condition of without statement,you should always visit this website to understand the latest terms and conditions.Your continued use of this site indicates that you have accepted these changes.

Anyone who Land this website or use of this web site data in any way , are considered that voluntary acceptance of  the bound of the statement of this website.

Applicable law and jurisdiction:

Dispute caused By the use of this web site or  this declaration  shall be governed by the laws of China,XJF does not guarantee that the content of this web site available in the international area.If you use this site outside of China, you have the responsibility to use the content of this website in compliance with local laws.

The terms of this declaration shall be governed by the laws of China,The disputes arising from the use of the site shall be submitted to the people's court where the company is located.

The right to interpret this statement and the right to interpret the site belong to XJF